On the Evidence For Biblical Creation and Christianity: What Are Some Favorite Resources?


I have been studying the evidence for Christianity, and particularly creation and evolution, for over ten years. And even just recently, I discovered yet another series of books that I wish I had found when I began. It’s strange that way. When starting out from nothing, it’s difficult to find good resources on the subject. At least it was for me.

In this post I will share what I think are some of the very best resources available. These are writers, film makers, and ministry teams who are gifted at making complex material highly readable and understandable. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but they are my favorites. I have read or watched all of these at least once myself, and I highly recommend them all.

In bold: the very few that are my top most beloved favorites, and should be part of every Christian home library.

Creation and Evolution


Documentaries and Movies

Web Sites and Articles

Especially for Kids

Evidence for Christianity


Documentaries and Movies

Free Home Study Materials

Ministry Web Sites

I encourage you to browse through the above resources. My prayer is that they provide answers and encouragement as you explore the Christian faith. Enjoy!


Any comments? I'd like to hear your thoughts!