How Do We Know That Christianity Is True?
The short answer is because of scientific and historical evidence; along with sound, logical reasoning. When the evidence is organized into a step by step process, it builds a very strong case that Christianity is true.
Socrates once said, “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I would add that the unexamined faith is not worth believing in.
Since Christianity is an historical religion grounded in past events, it can be investigated to see if it is true or false, right or wrong. And we should do so. God himself says, “Come, let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18). And Christians are urged to be prepared to give a reason for the hope that they have (1 Peter 3:15).
Contrary to what many skeptics might say, Christianity is not a blind faith. Those who say so are just uninformed.
It means that a person genuinely seeking answers and meaning in life has something solid to look at when it comes to Christianity. No one should ever be told to “just believe.” We can know the truth, and there is no better way to live. I certainly wouldn’t want to live any other way.
If you are looking for answers, like so many other people today, I urge you to look at the case for Christianity. If there is “some higher power” out there and there is life after death, then nothing is more important than trying to find out the truth. And if it is true, it is good news.
There are many different ways to look at the evidence for Christianity. In this post I will provide a high level view of a step by step process that brings us to the truth of Christianity.[1] We start with no biases or pre-suppositions. Each step is supported with its own evidence, and logically leads into the next.
This high level outline does not include all the detailed evidence. However, I do provide more detail on most of the points in other posts, and in these cases, you will be able to click on the blue text to take you there. Also, notice links to more detailed notes and videos further below if you’d like.
Here is the process:
- Truth about reality can be known.
- Opposite views cannot both be true.
- It is true that a theistic God exists.
- If God exists, then miracles are possible.
- Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God.
- The New Testament is historically reliable.
- External manuscript evidence tells us that our New Testament is an accurate copy of the original documents.
- Internal evidence tells us that the documents tell the truth.
- The New Testament says that Jesus claimed to be God.
- Jesus’ claim to be God was confirmed by his resurrection from the dead.
- We look at minimal facts that all historians agree on (believers and skeptics alike). Then using inductive reasoning, we analyze competing theories to the best explanation.
- Therefore, Jesus is God.
- Whatever Jesus taught is true, since God cannot lie.
- Jesus taught that the Bible is the Word of God.
- Jesus affirmed the Old Testament and promised the coming of the New Testament.
- Therefore, the Bible is the Word of God and true, so anything opposed to it is false. Biblical Christianity is true.
Select below to watch a 3-part teaching series on the above points:
- Part 1: Truth and the Existence of God
- Part 2: Miracles and the New Testament
- Part 3: The Resurrection and What It Means
[1]A number of authors and books use this process, all of which I highly recommend: Dr. Norman L. Geisler, Twelve Points That Show Christianity is True; Dr. Norman L. Geisler and Dr. Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist; Dr. Jonathan Morrow, Questioning the Bible: 11 Major Challenges to the Bible’s Authority (Appendix 1).
This is outstanding Greg! You mentioned Isaiah 1:18…”come now and let us reason”. I quoted that verse back to God when I was praying for him to heal my eye…I said that since Jesus healed everyone He touched, He could heal my eye. AND HE DID!